What does it mean to be a team participant?
Team of 6-8 students with 1 captain
Captains must complete and submit the sign-up form for their team
Captains are required to come to the mandatory rules meetings
Members of the team do not have to be in the same grade
If you don’t have a team, you can still sign up and be randomly assigned a team
Team spirit themes are highly encouraged and can win your team prizes!
Want to be part of Lebo Legacy Bocce Games, but do not want to be a player on the court? With this event being almost entirely student led, we need volunteers to help make game day run as smoothly as possible! Think ushers, referees, clean-up crew, decorators, and so on! Not only will you get a great bit of community service hours, you will be the key players to make the Lebo Legacy Bocce Games a monumental success!
Other ways to be involved on game day
Ushers: Ushers must attend all mandatory rules meetings! You will help direct team players to courts, assign seats during the final game, and keep the courts organized.Referees: Referees must attend all mandatory rules meeting!
Day of helper: You will be working with Mr. Turton, the facilities director at the high school, getting supplies, making student's passes for the day and more! Details of your role will be further specified and outlined at the meetings.
Spirit leader: You will get an assigned a location to decorate and help gather decorating supplies and materials. Details of your role as well as outlines of designs and decor will be further specified and outlined at the meetings.
Cleanup Crew: We can use all hands on deck after the day is over to help clean up.
Viewers: For the championship game, everyone who is not participating or that has lost, will gather in the South Gym to watch the final game be played. You will sit with your homeroom.
All volunteers get a day's worth of community service hours.