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How To Play Bocce:

  • Set up:

    • Bocce is played with eight large balls (4 balls per team; two different colors) and one smaller target ball called a pallina. 

    • Two teams of 6-8 where each member takes a turn throwing a ball following a rotation determined before the start of the game.

    • Games begin with the team on top in the bracket throwing the pallina and choosing their ball color.

  • Game Start:

    • To start, the pallina is rolled or tossed any distance past the center line of the court and within the boundaries of the court. If the player fails to toss the ball properly into play after 3 tries, a member of the opposing team will toss the ball into play.

    • The player tossing the pallina delivers the first ball, they must roll until the first ball is put into play properly.

    • Teams will then alternate throws until all 4 balls on each team are thrown.

    • Intent of throw is getting a ball closer to the pallina, knocking the opponent's ball away from the pallina, or hitting the pallina so that it ends up closer to your team's ball. 

    • After both teams have thrown all their balls, a frame is over and points are awarded.

    • The game resumes by teams throwing from the opposite end of the court; the team that was awarded points in the previous frame begins the next frame by tossing the pallina into play. 

  • Scoring:

    • At the end of each frame, points will be awarded to the team with balls closer to the pallina; one point for each ball that is closer to the pallina than the closest ball of the opposing team. Referees can help measure

    • In the event that the closest ball of each team is the same distance from the pallina, no points will be awarded and the pallina returns to the team that delivered it. 

    • All measurements should be made from the center of the pallina to the edge of a Bocce ball.

    • At the end of a frame, the referee announces the winning points and color before the balls are removed,

    • The scoring team for each frame will also win the pallina advantage for the subsequent frame.

    • Games are 7 minutes long, most points wins and moves on to the next round.

    • The referee will be responsible for validity of the scoreboard and scorecard

    • Ties during frame

      • In the event that two opposing balls are equidistant from the pallina (tied), the team that rolled last will continue to roll until the tie is broken.

    • Ties at the end of a frame
      • In the event that the two balls closest to the pallina belong to opposing teams and are tied, no points will be awarded. The pallina returns to the team which last delivered it.

  • Other

    • ​All balls must be thrown underhanded; can be roll, toss, bounce, etc. but can not go outside the boundaries of the court  

    • Players can not violate/cross the foul line. If a player steps over the foul line, the player will receive one warning. For a player that commits a second foul line infraction, their team will be awarded no points for the frame. 

    • Any ball that goes outside the boundaries of the court is considered a dead ball and is removed immediately from play until the end of a frame. If the pallina is knocked outside the boundaries of the court during play, the frame ends with no points awarded and a new frame is started.

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